July 25, 2016



What is MMM? MMM–means Mavrodi Mundial Moneybox

Mavrodi is the surname of the man whose brain is behind the entire MMM mechanism or program. He is a Russian Professor of Mathematics and a professional Programmer.

Mundial is a Russian word meaning “Global”. MMM goes global, hence it is been referred as a global movement. I prefer MMM being called Mavrodi Mundial Movement.

Moneybox is another name for moneybag. A container where your money is kept.
It's simply a global mutual aid community. MMM is social financial donation exchange network. MMM is a million and million community of people who have agreed to willingly extend financial helping hands to each other via donation.

MMM is not a bank, not an investment opportunity, not a business but simply a community of people helping each other financially.

MMM has no central pocket were money is been deposited. Transactions are done peer to peer.
MMM is run by the community, that is, you and I. The community only have a technical program that regulates what we do and what we can't do. The technical system controls how much we can ask as help or withdraw and how much we can provide as help or deposit.

1. Provide help
2. Get help
3. Technical basic program

Basically, MMM does not have any central pocket where all money deposits or donations go into. Because all donations are done peer-to-peer, that is, participant to participant, no intermediary, no contract, no agreement, none of it. Simply out of trust, honesty and patience. How do I mean? Donations are done via member to member transfers into their bank accounts or bitcoin wallet.1

The technical basic program controls the activities of the provider of help and the receiver of help.

You know about the popular word 'Contribution' where people contribute money to one person and there's a book where everyone's name is written. When it gets to your turn, everybody's money is given to you.

In MMM, we make pledges to donate our SPARE money to members who need the money. We do so by logging into our MMM account (Personal Office) to make the pledge. We join the queue of people who made pledges after making the pledge.

We ONLY make pledges. We don't gather our pledges to give to one person. In MMM there is no CENTRAL ACCOUNT (No bank account where all our pledges are paid into). Members transfer money directly to each other.

Now, if a member in the community who has already made a pledge to provide financial help to another member and has fulfilled his pledge now needs help, he does that by logging into his MMM account (Personal Office) to say so.

The system connects him with the person in the queue for providing help. If it's your turn on the queue to provide help, when you log into your Personal Office, you will receive the details of the person to provide financial help to.

As soon as you pay the money directly into the person's bank account who needs that financial help and that person acknowledges he has received the money, you are now qualified to receive help.

You then log into your personal office to ask for financial help. Someone/people in the queue whose turn it is to provide help will be assigned to pay you 30% of the donation you provided plus the donation money itself.

Like I said earlier, MMM is donation exchange network. If we had previous knowledge of mutual aid society. We understand mutual aid society is a community where we give financial help and receive financial help back.

The more financial help you give, the more financially help you get in return. Is like borrowing your money out, and receiving it back later or much later when you need it with little interest (just example).

MMM offers its participants an appreciation package for all donations they make to a
Participant in the community. MMM offers its participants 30% growth rate per month for each and every donation the make in the system.

For example: I donate 100,000 Naira, after 30 days you would be qualified to 130,000 Naira as financial help from another participant in community. 50,000 Naira qualifies you to receive 65,000 Naira; 10,000 Naira, qualifies you to receive 13,000 Naira, etc. Basically, the percentage grows by 1 % daily or 30% month.

The basic calculation is:

Donation amount multiplied by 1.30 = expected amount after 30 days.

Let me just hint us on what goes on in the system. When you make a donation request, your request is registered and placed in a queue, while your money still remains with you. In exchange the system will register your request with its virtual currency called Mavros. This mavros is already growing at 1 percent per day. While your request is in queue and your money is with you. It’s a tradition in MMM, that your donation is frozen for 15 days... So within that 15 days, you cannot ask for help but you can ask for help after 15 days because it would have been unfrozen.

Your order to sent money to a participant who needs help is out already and money has been sent. So there are situations where your request will be in queue for 15-30 days ( that is for those using bank transfer to donate) and your virtual mavros is growing steadily. Then on the 30th day your donation request was approved, contact details and bank details of the recipient who needs help was sent to you. And you made the payment already and payment was confirmed. Even the next day been the 31st day. You can withdraw or request to get help. And the total money you asked as help will be paid to you within 48 hours maximally by another participant.

There is no interest rate in MMM. In MMM after you donated money, you can be rewarded with mavro. It is an index of your tribute to the development of the Community. This index grows 30% a month. It is just a technical issue.

Programmers can adjust this growth rate of mavro at any moment. The amount of mavro and its growth rate can be decreased, increased, stopped, cancelled. The amount of mavro and its growth rate can be adjusted at any moment to balance PH (Providing Help) and GH (Getting Help).

That's why MMM can't collapse due to weak inflow of donations. If the inflow of donations will decrease, the amount of mavro will be adjusted, but the main important that the process of donation exchange will not stop. It makes MMM stronger than the financial organizations. Financial organizations have obligations, if they do not meet them, they will go bankrupt. MMM is very flexible. No matter what will happen, people will provide and get help.

MMM doesn't make any guarantee.. Why? It doesn't generate revenue, neither does it use your money for any business to generate profit. It's pure peer to peer transaction from one member to another member.

MMM belongs to the community, its sustainability depends on the activities of the people that make up the MMM Nigeria community, that is me and you and other MMM Nigeria participants. So it is our corporate responsibility to ensure that this system giving to us freely by Sergry Mavrodi keeps helping people in meeting there financial needs by ensuring that we grow the community.

By sharing MMM with friends, family and business acquaintances you make the system grow steadily. Just like banks invest so much funds in marketing to attract new deposits, MMM also markets through seminar presentations and Charity events to create awareness and to encourage people of different Nigerian ethnic group to join the community.



ANSWER: MMM is a mutual donation exchange network, where people provide
money (help) directly to each other in automatic private offices via internet with
growing help indexMavro. The power of giving lets you receive in 23 times more than you gave to others in one year.

MMM– means Mavrodi Mundial Moneybox

QUESTION: How to join MMM?

ANSWER: You need to have a link of a person who introduced you need a working e-mail address and cellphone number to register on the system. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

QUESTION: How Can I Earn with MMM?
ANSWER: Minimum is N2000 naira. You just make request in your Private Office (PO) to Give Help and after that, the system will merge you another participant who wants to get help at the moment. Then you will deposit the funds. He/She will confirm it, and you will receive N2000 to Mavro. That will grow at a rate of 30% PER MONTH.

QUESTION: If I PH (Provide Help) for such N2000, how much can I earn?
ANSWER: You can use the calculator of happiness excel sheet below to know the
exact amount you will earn.

QUESTION:What isMavro?
ANSWER:Mavro is the currency we use in MMM COMMUNITY. Mavro is also a help index, which grows 30% per month, named by Famous Sergey Mavrodi founder of MMM community.

QUESTION: How is MMM paying?
ANSWER: All transactions are done and managed by participants directly via Bitcoin or Local Bank.MMMprivate office only merges people, calculate help index Mavro and make orders for participants to transfer. You can use any Bank from your country.

QUESTION: How to give and get help?
ANSWER: You can make request to provide assistance (GH) from minimum N2000 naira to maximum N2.4Million Naira.

QUESTION: Can I get help without providing?
ANSWER: Yes, but you will earn direct referral of 10% commission and level bonuses of 5% -0.01% from PH of your direct invites, and PH downlines of your direct invites. For that reason you can use your referral link that you could find in your referrals folder of your PO (MMM private office). Give it to your invites, they will join MMM using it and become your referrals that you will see in referrals folder. But it is optional extra activities and bonuses for you. If you do not want to, you can simply participate simply by PH own donations and getting help from others.

QUESTION: If I keep my mavros and don’t withdraw them after 30days, does it keep growing every month? Or I really need to withdraw first?

ANSWER: It grows 30% per month with capitalization in current aid program. The growth of your Mavros will depend entirely on how long you keep them to grow on the system. The longer you keep them the more they grow! After 2 weeks defrosting you can withdraw and provide again anytime you wish.(provided your PH order has been confirmed) And at anytime you can sell all your Mavro or just part of it and wait for other remaining Mavros to grow.


ANSWER: Every man in the world can share his money to others as help without any obligations or taxes. So HELP EXCHANGING is absolutely legal.

QUESTION: What about product?
ANSWER: No product, no company, no business investment! Only direct help
providing and receiving by the rules of the community.


ANSWER: MMM is a help donation network. MMM just redistributes money between participants, rotary and trustworthy, newcomers help those who has been registered within the Community earlier.


Video of Happiness by Edet Samuel, on 25th July, 2016

Video of Happiness by John Ekanem on 13th July, 2016

Contact me directly via muelzik@gmail.com or whatsapp on +2348024401546 

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